Clergy of Saint Lawrence Orthodox Church

Rev. Fr. Seraphim Majmudar, Presiding Priest

Voice: (831) 335-0300

Fr. Seraphim Majmudar

Fr. Seraphim was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area by Hindu parents who immigrated from India. He was touched from an early age by the poverty which he saw on trips to India and other countries he visited in his youth. The question of pain & suffering led him to study religion at UC Santa Barbara, where, by the mercy of God, he found Jesus Christ: the Creator of the world, who suffered for the world, in order to save the world. Fr. Seraphim was baptized into Christ at St. Athanasius Orthodox Church in Santa Barbara in 1993.

In 1995, he completed his master’s degree in education from UCSB and moved to Ben Lomond, CA, where he began his teaching career at Ss. Peter & Paul Academy. On the first night of his arrival, he went to vespers, and instantly met and fell in love with a girl named Sophie. He married this amazing woman in 1997, and he & Pres. Sophie subsequently had five wonderful and above-average children, and now, two superstar grandchildren. 

In September, 2000, Fr Seraphim was ordained to the holy priesthood in the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem–one of the most profound experiences of his life. Upon his return, he served as an assistant priest at St. Lawrence Orthodox Church in the town of Felton, while continuing his full time teaching at the Academy. 

In 2005 the Majmudars moved to Pennsylvania, where he attended St. Tikhon's seminary from 2005 to 2008. During that time he was released from the Jerusalem Patriarchate to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Upon graduation, he moved to the island of Cyprus in order to learn the Greek language. There, he began the best assignment a priest can get: serving the sisters of Panagia Amasgous Monastery in Monagri, a place where the holy Gospel comes to life. He had the incredible privilege to serve under the omophorion of His Eminence, Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol, an experience he greatly treasures.Majmudar Family

In 2010, it was time for the Majmudars to return to the United States. His Eminence, Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, assigned Fr. Seraphim to serve the warm-hearted faithful of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Tacoma, Washington, where he was the proistamenos for thirteen years.

In January, 2023, feeling that the Holy Spirit was calling them back to California, His Eminence blessed Fr. Seraphim to return to the Santa Cruz mountains, where he serves the fine parishioners of St. Lawrence Orthodox Church, as well as being a student in the Doctor of Ministry program at St. Vladimir’s Seminary. He resides in Felton, CA, and is very grateful to once again live near his beloved Metropolitan Gerasimos & Bishop Ioannis. Father roots in a conspicuous and somewhat annoying way for the greatest team in NFL history, which is of course the San Francisco 49ers, who will be winning this year's Super Bowl for sure. 

Dn. Lazarus Adams, Archdeacon

Dn. James Somerville, Deacon